Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Sure, of course i know and understand what's going on.
I've got people who tell me stuffs which i don't want to know, some who tell me stuffs which i'd drool to know, some who just tell me stuffs which'd spice up my day a little (usually in the morning), more of those who just tell me stuffs that probably makes them think im stupid.
Dear friends, think about it, do you ever wonder why the friend you were there for all the time can't seem to be there for you when you're down and lonely, or just not feeling right, and worse still, you can clearly see for yourself by the side of your eyes that your pal's actually quite happy, enjoying herself, and that she doesn't really seem to bother of your existance, of whether you're feeling sad, not right, or even crying.
Sometimes, i wonder if im being too nice, i wonder if i should be.
And this is in no relation to the above;
Dear Rachel Justin Summers,
You don't know how much i need you right here, right now. Those days where we'd just spend endless time on the phone, playing RP on practically everywhere in the internet because that is our only source of contact (besides the phone), and talking almost everyday on msn, playing webcam. Crying over the phone when your mom nags at you. Me staying up late just to talk to you, because of the time difference over here and there. Talking about "our girl stuffs". Mailing, which was one of the most troublesome yet awesome of all, because of the gifts we sent to each other on our birthdays. I guess we haven't been in contact for, say, probably a year, though we could have just talked on msn early this year. I really do miss you.
Always thought of going there to look for you, you always thought of coming here to look for me too. The last time we saw each other before you left for Spain was so many years ago.
Anyway, the whole point is, HAPPY SWEET 16th SWEETHEART.
I miss you and Best Pals Forever! :D
Aww, those young days. Hahaha.
I love you!
No matter how unhappy i feel.
No matter how (fill in the blanks in a negative way) my friends can treat me.
No matter how lonely i feel.
No matter how much buckets of tears i can cry.
No matter how hurt my friends can make me feel.
No matter how much effort i can put in faking a smile when i need to.
No matter how much i wonder over and over again,
I know very well that;
I still have to be strong! :D

9:29 PM
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Thought i could blog for awhile.
Anyway, life's been hectic, duh.
Let's see, randomly.
1. I saw this taxi driver who looked so like Jackie Chan and the way he drove his cab was another "Jackie-Chan-Alike" style. Fast and furious baby, hahaha, though he wasnt in the movie. -.-
2. I want to go to the botanics! Rahhh.
3. I want to go to the zoo! And the night safari too! Wait, does anyone go to the zoo from morning till night? So it's like, zoo + night safari. Er, i think there is! The zookeepers! HAHAH. Joking.
4. I don't want to have tuition, what a bore! Makes me feel like crying.
5. I can't wait for ballet later. Yaye! :D
6. I feel so lonely. Er, yeah, i really do. \:
So, goodbye.

10:01 AM